
The Blog

“The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese”

Okay, I admit it, I’ve been a bit slow catching on to this blog thing. But they have become part of my regular excuses to avoid doing real work professional reading, and in the meantime I’ve noted that not only do some of my  friends and collaborators [a non-exclusive set…at least I hope so] have active blogs, but so does one of my grad students, …well, maybe it’s time for a blog

My intention is to keep this reasonably focused on three rather disparate topics

  • social science methodology, usually topics related to statistical forecasting
  • politics, particularly that dealing with violent political conflict and the post-democratic transition in the U.S.
  • changes in the academic environment. And I do believe it is a’changing

Beyond that, I will just see where this goes.

The Author

Biographical Info, Take 1:

“A registered old fart who in any reasonably prudent traditional culture would have long
ago been strapped into a leaking canoe and sent out with the tide…”
Seven Deadly Sins of Quantitative Political Analysis, http://7ds.parusanalytics.com

Biographical Info, Take 2:

Philip Schrodt is a senior research scientist at the statistical consulting firm Parus Analytical Systems. He received an M.A. in mathematics and a Ph.D. in political science from Indiana University in 1976, and has held permanent academic positions at Pennsylvania State University (4 years), the University of Kansas (21 years), and Northwestern University (12 years), where he helped develop Northwestern’s programs on mathematical methods in the social sciences. He has also held research appointments in the United Kingdom and Norway, and has taught and done field research in the Middle East. Dr. Schrodt’s major areas of research are quantitative models of political conflict and computational political methodology. His current research focuses on predicting political change using statistical and pattern recognition methods, research that has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the U.S. government’s multi-agency Political Instability Task Force. Dr. Schrodt has published more than 90 articles in political science, is past president and a fellow of the Society for Political Methodology, and his Kansas Event Data System computer program won the “Outstanding Computer Software Award” from the American Political Science Association in 1995.

Additional “who is this guy??” links

Home page: http://philipschrodt.org
Parus Analytics: http://parusanalytics.com
Event Data Project: http://eventdata.parusanalytics.com
Github: https://github.com/philip-schrodt and https://github.com/civet-software/
CV/résumé: http://parusanalytics.com/Schrodt.Vita.Jul15.pdf

13 Responses to About…

  1. Pingback: Excitement about GDELT and some Personal Intellectual History | Will Opines

  2. Pingback: Philip Schrodt “Goes Feral” | Symposium Magazine

  3. Pingback: What happened to GDELT? | Anthony A. Boyles

  4. Pingback: Notes From a First Foray into Text Mining | Dart-Throwing Chimp

  5. Pingback: Notes From a First Foray into Text Mining | Predictive Heuristics

  6. Pingback: Hey Apple, some of us would still like to use your computers | asecondmouse

  7. Les McCord says:

    Hey Dr. Phil.
    I was remembering World History class with Don Beaver on the 3rd floor. Somehow, i got drafted into LUNA and i was one of the delegates from Sierra Leone. Since then, you have advanced your career in political science and mine has been in ice cream. I was also remembering Troop 3 and you introducing the Rat Patrol. After reading this bio/blog, i have determined that your wit and humor are still soundly intact. Ok. Back into the ‘way back machine’, our 50th H.S. reunion will be August 16,17&18. I haven’t decided if i’m going to attend but if enough of the old gang show up, then maybe i will.
    Just remember: Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
    Take care, Dr. Phil. Later… ?

    • schrodt735 says:

      Thanks for the info on the reunion! — I’ve been on the mailing list but with an address that was deactivated recently and I’m not sure they have the new one, though just talking to someone about high school reunions a couple days ago (probably on New Years…sort of brings up those sorts of things). I’m definitely planning to go (and been meaning to get back to Bloomington anyway — my brother is still nearby (owns Brown County Winery): curious to see who else does show up and haven’t been to any myself since the 5th.

  8. schrodt735 says:

    Susie Clendening was wondering if you’d be willing to add your email (if you’ve got one: these days not having an email might be smart…) to the reunion list (it won’t be public): you are on their missing list. Anyway, their contact is blgtnhs1969@gmail.com. I’ll definitely be there: have tickets.

    • Les McCord says:

      Dr. Phil:
      Not sure if i want to be on the BHS email list. I don’t use a computer and i have a flip phone. Just recently upgraded to 4G bc 3G is going away with Verizon at year’s end. I’ll let Susie know. I’m debating with myself to see i’m even going. In other cases of self debate, i usually win. I haven’t yet bought a ticket, though. But, I still have time. I think i need a moderator. Thank you for the info. To be continued. . . .

      • Les McCord says:

        Also, a third mouse goes hungry but must learn from the first two. It’s either learn and live or SNAP and die.

      • Les McCord says:

        Dr. Phil.
        Once again, i won the debate. I’ll see you Saturday (and maybe Friday, too). This reunion will be very interesting.
        Later. . .

      • Les McCord says:

        Dr. Phil,
        I won the debate. It’ll be good to see you and others on Saturday (and maybe Friday, too). This reunion should be very interesting.
        And remember: a third mouse goes hungry but must learn from the first two. Either learn and live or SNAP and die.
        Later. . .

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